Start Here

Everyone is Welcome Here

We want you to come as you are.  It does not matter if you never heard of Jesus Christ before, or if you have known of him all your life.  You are in the right place.

Lots of other people have enjoyed the content on this site to learn more about who Jesus is by what he did.

Don't Be In The Dark

What to expect

How this Breaks Down

This website will be broken down into the Gospels in 28 days, and then also reading each Gospel section will also have it’s own page.

ALL of that content we believe should be FREE for anyone who wants to learn more about Jesus Christ and what he did for each one of us, including you.  If you are seeking to know more, we believe God wants you to have it.

IF you want all of the content here in either a digital, eBook form or traditional book form, then there is a fee to purchase them.

We will also be selling different merchandise off of this website.  We thanks those who choose to buy items from us.  It helps pay the individuals who have chosen to help us get the message out there.


WEEK 1 - WEEK 2 - WEEK 3 - WEEK 4

Week 1

Did you know we included videos in each day which read the scriptures to you in case you do not have easy access to a Bible

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Matthew 1, 2 & 3

Matthew 4, 5,  & 6

Matthew 4, 5,  & 6

Matthew 4, 5,  & 6

Matthew 4, 5,  & 6

Matthew 4, 5,  & 6

Matthew 4, 5,  & 6

Week 2

Did you know that the word "Bible" (B.I.B.L.E) is actually an acronym for
Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Matthew 1, 2 & 3

Matthew 4, 5,  & 6

Matthew 4, 5,  & 6

Matthew 4, 5,  & 6

Matthew 4, 5,  & 6

Matthew 4, 5,  & 6

Matthew 4, 5,  & 6

Week 3

Did you know that Lots of people know about the Bible, less have read from it, and fewer yet have actually read the whole Bible

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Matthew 1, 2 & 3

Matthew 4, 5,  & 6

Matthew 4, 5,  & 6

Matthew 4, 5,  & 6

Matthew 4, 5,  & 6

Matthew 4, 5,  & 6

Matthew 4, 5,  & 6

Week 4

Did you know that Lots of people know about the Bible, less have read from it, and fewer yet have actually read the whole Bible

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Matthew 1, 2 & 3

Matthew 4, 5,  & 6

Matthew 4, 5,  & 6

Matthew 4, 5,  & 6

Matthew 4, 5,  & 6

Matthew 4, 5,  & 6

Matthew 4, 5,  & 6

About His Hands

There is no depth his hands cannot reach
There is no force that can pull you out
Only You can choose to put yourself in his hands
Only You can choose to take yourself out of his hands

We want to help you feel like you are able to connect with God. 

If you are not sure how to do that …
Then just sit back and imagine that you are the person in his hands.   He needs your love too..

Why Joining Us is for Everyone

If You Never Heard of Jesus Before …

We go through the basics of what he did while he was on the earth.  No other person has ever lived and stirred up so much controversy.  Here we are thousands of years later, and people are still talking about him and even willing to die for what he did.  Ya, it sounds crazy when you never heard of him before.   But how could one person impact the lives of so many thousands of years after he was born?

Well, that is what you will learn more about here.
Then you have more wisdom and insight when conversations about God come up, even if you choose to not get involved in them.

As you learn more, you will see which people around you struggle with their humanity.  Some people do not really know what it means to be a Christian, and so some live according to what they think it is.

If You Have a Personal Relationship with Jesus …

You know how special it is to have interaction with God.  You know how special it is to be loved by him.  There is always something new to learn from him, and what his son Jesus did for us is more than we can ever do for those we love around us.

If is always a delightful blessing to learn more about him, and to see different things about how his love is for everyone. 

Christianity is not about following the ‘rules’ it is about loving God and having God feel our love is more than empty words.  Especially when we start with the name “Christ” in the front of “Christian”. 

Remember God ALWAYS wants our personal relationship with Him to Grow deeper. 

Or Maybe you are a person somewhere in between these perspectives. 
Maybe you believe there is a God.  Maybe you call yourself a Christian, maybe you don’t. 
This is still a great place for you so you can still learn more about all of the talk is about one way or the other. 

Because The Situations Jesus Lived Through
Stem From The Same Principles
Your Current Situations Stem From


And you need answers.
Learn How God Does Understand Your Problem

Click Here to Start Week 1 - Day 1

Different Languages

We are looking to expand this content to all the nations. 
Thus we need to translate this information into other languages. 

Since we are still building this site out, there may be a language you do not see we have yet translated this content into.